Hey Coach...

Launch Your Coaching Business & Start Getting Paying Clients Consistently

...without the stress, overwhelm or confusion.

Just a step-by-step plan that's been proven

to work plus the help and support to get it done.

You are an amazing coach.

Now all you need are amazing clients!

But not just a few clients here and there. Instead, I'll help you build a thriving business filled with happy, paying clients.

And by a "thriving business" I mean building a profitable, lasting business that pays your rent, supports your family and with enough left over to afford some of the nicer things in life....plus give you the freedom and flexibility to live life on your terms.

But how do you build that

amazing business?

You've probably got more than a few questions.

  • How do I get paying coaching clients? And not just a few clients here and there, but as many clients as I want?
  • How much do I charge? And where do I find clients who will pay me that?
  • Should I be on Instagram and TikTok? Or should I run ads on Facebook? Is is better to start a YouTube Channel or a podcast or both?
  • What should I put on my website to attract the perfect-fit clients?
  • Why is no one hiring me when I'm doing everything I'm supposed to be doing? What am I missing?

You've probably have your fair share of doubts as well

  • What if I start this business and it fails?
  • What if I put myself out there and people laugh at me?
  • What if people think I'm an imposter?
  • What if no one is willing to pay my rates?
  • Am I even worth the amount of money I want to charge?
  • I'm not techy at all. How on earth am I going to learn all the tech skills to launch my coaching business online?
  • Do I really have what it takes to do this?
  • Am I crazy to leave my secure job and regular paycheck to do this?

You want a profitable, full-time

coaching business.

A waitlist of clients eager to work with you (and only you)!

Tons of flexibility...maybe you work only 3 days a week!

A long list of testimonials - proof that you're making a difference!

Money in the bank that allows you to live life on your terms.

But There's a Problem...

There's a big gap between where you are now & where you want to be.

A massive chasm filled with

questions and doubts like:

  • How do I market my business?
  • Where do I find clients?
  • How do I have a sales conversation that doesn't feel sleazy?
  • How can I make enough money to quit my job?
  • How do I get enough money to quit my job?
  • How do I get new clients every month?
  • What is no one wants to pay me?
  • It's so overwhelming. Where do I even start?

In order to succeed, you

need to bridge that gap.

The good news is that building a business

isn't rocket science.

You can 100% definitely do it....

....even if you have no business background

and zero tech and marketing skills.

All you need to learn is how!!

What a thriving coaching

business looks like

A thriving coaching business with a steady stream of paying clients

is made up of 4 simple systems all working together.

Here's what each of the systems do and what they consist of.

  • Client Attraction System to help clients to find you. This system includes all of the ways you get out there including social media, ads, networking and speaking.
  • Client Indoctrination System to educate them about why they need a coach and why you're the person for the job. This system consists of your website, your social media content and your ads.
  • A Client Conversion System to get them to say yes to hiring you as their coach. This consists of your sales funnel and your client enrollment strategy.
  • Back-end Business Systems to keep your business running smoothly and to ensure continued growth.

If one of these systems is not in place or not functioning correctly, the business will fail to grow and you will stay stuck and struggling.

Work Smarter Not Harder

I'm all for working smarter instead of working harder.

And the beauty of systems is that you do the work once and it will work for you for years to come.

And as you refine and tweak your systems over time as your business grows.

So how do you bridge the gap and build out your coaching engine?

There's no shortage of courses, programs, guru's, blogs, videos and podcasts all filled with conflicting advice on pricing, programs, offers, sales calls, funerals and the list goes on....

But what if it doesn't have to be so confusing or so hard?

Because the truth is, it doesn't...

Introducing the

Coaching Business Launch Bootcamp

The Coaching Business Launch Bootcamp is a group coaching program aimed at giving you the tools, support and training you need to launch, grow and scale your coaching business.

I'm not interested in helping you get one or two clients. I want you to get loads of clients and become the successful coach you were meant to be.

That's why, in the Coaching Business Launch Bootcamp, you won't find vague advice like "tell your story" or "put yourself out there."

Instead, I'll show you what to do step-by-step. All you have to do is follow the steps and at the end of the 12-weeks, you will have your coaching business up and running and have your first handful of clients coming in the door.

Plus you get tons of support and accountability so that you take action and you know that you're on the right track.

Here's What's Included:

I wanted to give you everything, and I do mean everything, you need to launch, scale and grow your coaching business to a full-time income.

  • In-depth 12-week comprehensive curriculum that will take you by the hand and teach you exactly how to set up the four systems you need to get your coaching business up and running and start bringing in a steady stream of clients.
  • Weekly Q&A calls for one full year to help and support you during that first challenging and exciting year of business.
  • Direct feedback on your marketing assets as you create them. I personally go through each of the marketing assets you create and tell you what needs to be changed and how to change it and sometimes even edit it myself to make it even more effective.
  • Monthly masterclasses where I go deep into one strategy or tactic that you can use to get clients that month and you get access to the recordings.
  • A private member's community where you can network with other coaches from around the world, post your marketing assets for feedback and ask questions between calls
  • Stunning, professionally designed website and funnel templates plus step-by-step tutorials to make creating a professional-looking website a breeze.
  • Simple step-by-step tech tutorials for every aspect of building your online business, from setting up your website to running Facebook ads, optimizing your social media profiles, setting up emails and more. I've designed them to be so simple that you can hand them off to your kids and they can do it for you.
  • Lifetime updates to the curriculum so that it's always based on what's working in the marketplace right now.

Curriculum Sneak Peak

During our 12 weeks together, we'll be focusing on helping you to build out your essential coaching business systems and then launching it to the world.

Module One: Business Minded

Successful coaches think very differently about business and money compared to coaches who struggle.

In this module, I help you to get set up for success by:

  • Creating a compelling vision for your business
  • Uncovering and dissolving the money blocks that are keeping you stuck in a lack of abundance
  • Uncovering the limiting beliefs that are holding you back from building the life and business of your dreams
  • Developing the mindset of a six-figure coach

Module Two: Nail Your Niche

In the module, you'll get clear on your coaching niche and your ideal client.

You'll create your niche statement which is a one-sentence statement that clearly describes who you help, how you help them and the benefits people get from signing up for your coaching.

Module Three: Your Signature Coaching System

In the module, you'll start working on your signature system - your unique process for getting clients results.

One of the benefits of creating a signature system is that it dramatically increases the perceived value of your coaching by showing your potential clients that you have a roadmap to get them from where they are now to where they want to be.

Your signature coaching system is what will set you apart from other coaches who are doing the same thing as you are.

I'll teach you exactly how to map out, create and name your unique signature coaching system so that can stand out from other coaches and allow you to charge premium rates.

Module Four: Pricing & Packaging

Say goodbye to selling coaching by the hour or selling individual coaching sessions.

In the module, you're going to learn how to price your coaching and how to turn your signature system into an irresistible, high-ticket coaching package.

By the time you complete this module, you will have determined the perfect price for your coaching and put together all the different elements of your coaching package to create an irresistible offer that clients will be falling all over themselves to sign up for.

Module Five: Your High-Ticket Application Funnel

In the module, you're going to create your high-ticket application funnel.

This is how people will apply for your coaching.

A done-for-you template and simple step-by-step tutorials will make this a breeze.

At the end of this module, you'll have your application funnel ready for clients.

Module Six: Captivating Content

In the module, you'll learn how to create content that establishes you as an expert and that makes people eager to want to work for you and sign up for your coaching.

This is not about churning out endless amounts of content but rather being strategic about the content and maximizing the reach and impact of the content that you create.

Module Seven: Organic Content Marketing

In the module, I share a powerful, organic content marketing strategy that's designed to sell coaching instead of only getting views and engagement.

At the end of this module, you'll know exactly which platforms you should be focusing on for both long-term and short-term growth and how to maximize your reach and impact organically.

Module Eight: Facebook & Instagram Ads

In the module, you'll learn how to accelerate your growth by getting in front of your ideal clients with cheap $5/$2 ads.

This ad strategy has been specifically designed to sell High-Ticket Coaching and I can guarantee that it's different from any other ads course you've taken.

Step-by-step tutorials make implementing this ads strategy a breeze.

Module Nine: Sales Free Sales Strategies

Forget about high-pressure sales tactics and embrace a heart-centered approach to selling instead.

I'll show you how to turn sales calls into enrollment conversations that can be done on the phone or via DM...by getting people pre-sold on working with you before they ever reach out to work with you.

Module Ten: Your Client-Attracting Website

In the module, you'll learn how to create a website that attracts your ideal clients and makes them want to hire you on the spot!

You'll be able to get a stunning, professional-looking website up and running in just a weekend utilizing any one of the gorgeous, editable and customizable website templates that comes with this program.

You'll learn exactly what pages are needed, how to lay them out for maximum conversions plus write compelling website copy that sounds like it was written by a pro by utilizing my proven fill-in-the blanks templates.

From gorgeous design, to compelling website copy, this module will give you everything you need to create the perfect client-attracting website.

Module Eleven: Building Your Email List

In the module, you'll learn how to start building your email list filled with ideal clients and start building a relationship with them so that you can always have a warm pipeline of clients who are waiting to work with you.

This is the key to preventing the

feast-famine cyle so common among coaches.

From creating the perfect lead magnet to writing a welcome and nurture email sequence that converts cold prospects into paying clients, we've got you covered.

Module Twelve: Scaling to Six-Figures

In the module, you will discover the secrets to scaling to multiple

six-figures in your coaching business.

Not only will you learn the business strategies, you will also learn the money management strategies required to rapidly scale and grow your coaching business for the ultimate freedom.

But that's not all you get...

But content and training are not all you get. While the content and step-by-step training is the backbone of the program, I wanted to give you more than that.

I also wanted to give you all the tools and resources that you need to make getting your coaching business off the ground way easier and a lot less stressful.

Website and Funnel Templates

Complete done-for-you website and funnel templates you can customise to create a stunning and professional-looking website.

Client Welcome Kit

Every coaching form and template you will ever need to welcome new clients into your coaching programs… ready for you to easily customize, no matter what you’re selling or who you’re selling it to!

There are 17 forms and templates in the kit including the all-important Client Contract.

Client Welcome Kit

Every coaching form and template you will ever need to welcome new clients into your coaching programs… ready for you to easily customize, no matter what you’re selling or who you’re selling it to!

There are 17 forms and templates in the kit including the all-important Client Contract.

Client Getting Email Sequence Templates

Six complete email sequences to warm up potential clients and sell them your products and services. You get:

  • Email Nurture Sequence
  • Soap Opera Email Sequence
  • Launch Email Sequence
  • Sale Email Sequence
  • Abandon Cart Email Sequence

Customer Support Email Templates

Pre-written email templates to help you to help you deal with common customer support issues. Just copy, paste, edit and you're done.

Social Media Templates

Social media templates for posts, stories and ads... all editable and customizable in Canva.

These stunning templates make content creation a breeze and help you to stand out in the feed.

eBook or Free Report Templates

You also get a selection of editable Canva eBook or free report templates. No matter what your needs are, you're bound to find something that matches it perfectly.

What's my investment?

I wanted to make the program as affordable as possible whilst also providing the highest level of support and accountability as I could.

Which is why I decided to price the Business Launch Bootcamp at just $1,497! Compared to similar programs which start at around $5,000 the Business Launch Bootcamp is an absolute bargain.

But if you enroll before the 10th May, you can grab it for just $997 and save $500!

And to make it even more affordable, you can take advantage of one of our affordable payment plans, starting from just $97!

The $97 payment plan goes away after the 10th of May.

Save $500 by enrolling by the 10th May.

Time left to take advantage of this special offer



3 Easy Payments of $397

  • Coaching Business Launch Bootcamp Program

Full Curriculum + the help, support and tools required to get your coaching business launched and making money


per month over 3 months

Full Pay

Save R1,000 & get 4 additional bonuses worth $1,292!!!

  • Coaching Business Launch Bootcamp Program - Full Curriculum + the help, support and tools required to get your coaching business launched and making money
  • PLUS Winning Workshops Masterclass
  • PLUS VIP Cash Day Infusion Masterclass
  • PLUS Scalable Group Coaching Program Training
  • PLUS Speak To Sell System



Get started for $97 Today!

  • Coaching Business Launch Bootcamp Program

Full Curriculum + the help, support and tools required to get your coaching business launched and making money


per month over 12 months

Pay-In-Full Bonuses

The Business Launch Bootcamp has everything you need to get your coaching business launched and take you to a full-time income....even to multiple


But I wanted to include a few extra bonuses worth $1,292 for

those who grab the pay-in-full option.

  • The Winning Workshops Masterclass – This masterclass will show you how to create workshops that are designed to establish you as an expert and get people excited about signing up for your programs. (Value $197 )
  • The VIP Day Cash Infusion Masterclass that will show you how to do VIP days that will allow you to make as much in a year’s worth of income in a few days. (Value $197 )
  • The Scalable Group Coaching Program Training which will show you how to run your own profitable group coaching program (Value $399)
  • The Speak to sell System – How to use speaking opportunities (virtual or in-person) to provide value to your audience and get them excited about working with you. (Value $499)

My Guarantee To You!

I know that the strategies in the program work.

That's why I'm prepared to provide a

30-day money back guarantee.

Try the program for a full 30-days and if it's not for you,

let me know and I will refund your purchase in full.

Enroll Now & Start Building Your Coaching Business Today!

Save $500 by enrolling by the 10th May.

Time left to take advantage of this special offer



3 Easy Payments of $397


per month over 3 months

Full Pay

Save R1,000 & get 4 additional bonuses worth $1,292!!!



Get started for $97 Today!


per month over 12 months

Client Testimonials & Results!

Not sure the program works? Here are some results from previous clients.

Hi, I'm Sa'Diyya

As a Digital Marketing Expert and Online Marketing Strategist, I teach coaches how to leverage the power of

the Internet to build out automated systems to attract

perfect-fit clients with less hustle.

I'm all for making more money whilst working less so that you have the time to enjoy life.

I'm also a Certified Transformational Coach and the founder of South Africa's first virtual Life Coach Training & Certification Academy.

This has given me some unique insights into the struggles and challenges coaches face when it comes to getting clients and turning their coaching skills into a full-time income.

At the same time, my marketing background and training have allowed me to help coaches solve those challenges effectively.

I help coaches turn their coaching skills and passion for helping others into a thriving and profitable business.

Is the Business Launch Bootcamp for you?

Now whilst the Business Launch Bootcamp is one of the best and most comprehensive business building programs on the market, I'll be the first to admit that it's not for everyone.

This is for you if:

  • You want to turn your coaching skills and passion into a full-time income
  • You are coachable and open to learning and growing
  • You are willing to put in the hard work to get your business launched
  • You are willing to invest in yourself and in your dream of building this business

This is not for you if:

  • Coaching is a side-hustle for you and you're not looking to turn this into a full-time income
  • You're looking for some magic bullet to instant riches. Building a business takes dedication, persistence and a willingness to persevere even when the going gets tough and building a coaching business is no exception.
  • Your fear of investing in yourself is more than your desire to build your coaching business

Enroll Now & Start Building Your Coaching Business Today!

Save $500 by enrolling by the 10th May.

Time left to take advantage of this special offer



3 Easy Payments of $397


per month over 3 months

Full Pay

Save R1,000 & get 4 additional bonuses worth $1,292!!!



Get started for $97 Today!


per month over 12 months

Ready to launch your business

& get paying clients in just 12 weeks?

It's time to turn that dream of a profitable coaching business into reality.

At the end of the program, you will walk away with:

  • An irresistible high-ticket coaching offer that you can sell for $2K, $5K, $10K
  • Your signature coaching program created (even if you don't have one right now)
  • Your website launched
  • Your email nurturing campaign up and running - lead magnet, optin funnel and welcome sequence all done and dusted
  • Your coaching application funnel launched
  • Your social media strategy in place
  • A clear game-plan moving forward

In a nutshell, in a space of 12 weeks, you would have transformed your dream of a coaching business into reality.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the Business Launch Bootcamp work?

You can start the program at any time.

Once you enroll, the first module will be unlocked and then each week a new module will be unlocked. You work at your own pace and there are weekly Q&A calls where you can get coaching around any area you may be stuck on. You can also submit each week's work for feedback to ensure that you're on the right track

What if I already have a few clients? Will this still work for me?

If you don't have a reliable and repeatable process for getting clients, then this program will work for you.

What if I already have a website? Do I still need his program?

Just having a website doesn't necessarily mean that a steady stream of clients. A website is just one small component of a coaching business. In order to get clients, you need to have all the necessary systems set up and that includes a way to bring clients to your website. If you don't all of those systems in place, then this program can help you get them set up and turn your coaching website into a real business.

What platform are the website & funnel templates included in the program built on?

The templates are built on Systeme.io which is easy to use and the basic program is free forever. In other words, there is no trial that expires.


© 2014 Sixfigurecoachsecrets.com